The Divine Prescriptions Membership is a sacred, non-judgmental, compassionate community of souls on the spiritual path who are ready to close the gap between the life they are living and the life they truly desire through the power of Divine Medicine that will heal and free their Soul.
They are choosing a life filled with sacred joy and freedom that stems from alignment in their Divine Self.
What are Divine Prescriptions ?
Divine Prescriptions are channeled spiritual medicines in the form of spiritual teachings, intuitive guidance, higher vibrational energies, and healing activations from higher angelic beings and beyond that heal and transform core patterns, structures, and areas of consciousness at the root of life problems. They nourish and heal your body, mind, and soul to activate a new dimension of possibility in all areas of life.
Love Notes
From Our Beloved Divine Prescriptions Members
The Truth Is...
*Your life challenges, pain, and relationship struggles with
loved ones, your body, health, money, time, and energy are
sacred opportunities showing you where your soul needs
to return home to divine love, to heal, and transform
*You are a being of joy, love, possibility, freedom, and abundance
*You are on a return journey home to your sacred self, even if
you don't consciously know this
*You being the true you is what the world is waiting for
*The Sacred You within is the One you are seeking
*Joy is your divine birthright
*Now is the time for you to accept the infinite and profoundly
miraculous being you are and have always been
*You can choose to receive the power of divine love and grace to heal your soul
*Your divine team, angelic guides, and spiritual grace are waiting for you
*You don't have to walk this path alone
Divine medicine is how we transform everything!
When you transform, the world transforms
Your loved ones automatically receive the benefit
There is a Divine Prescription for Everyone
The following life categories, topics, and benefits are some of the possibilities
that can awaken and unfold for you inside the
Divine Prescriptions Membership
- Heal stubborn problems, repeated patterns, old hurts, and communication blocks with friends, family, spouse, partner, and co-workers
- Learn tools for navigating relationship issues and conflicts- collapsing relationship timelines
- Get to the root of co-dependency and stop people pleasing and abandoning yourself in relationship with all others
- Activate healthy relationship boundaries with an open heart aligned in your higher self
- Release negative painful attractor factors to the same people with a different name
- Deepen your connections
- Heal Mother and Father wounds
- Learn how to honor yourself and your voice in relationships
- Free yourself from victim, victor, and defender ego mentality
Health & Body
- Heal energetic traumas and soul loss at the root of physical, mental, and emotional issues and dis-ease
- Activate, repair, and reprogram the Subtle Body Anatomy, including your Chakras and Auric Field for healing and vitality
- Activate the Christ Mirror Body for energy manifestations
- Heal ancestral traumas at the root of many dis-eases and body problems
- Learn how to listen to your body deva for healing guidance and somatic attunement
- Meet and discharge emotions with intelligence and grace for true healing, soul retrieval, and inner child integration
- Transform weight into wellness
- Access body forgiveness, acceptance, and self-love
- Gain food freedom
Manifesting Love
- Fall in Love with the One
- Release patterns and blocks that keep you from attracting real, lasting, and authentic love
- Activate and awaken your sacred potent pleasure power center to energetically attract and embody higher states of love and romance
- Heal negative thought forms, fears, and protector energies that keep your heart closed
- Activate unconditional self-love and body deva attunements to divine love
- Stop self-abandonment, approval seeking, and looking for love in all the wrong places
- Access resourced love and joy to manifest Emerging Love
- Forgive yourself and others
- Release limited love, open the heart, and become Embodied Love
- Meet Your Sacred Lover
Soulful Life Purpose
- Attune to your soul codes and light frequency harmonics to activate your soulful purpose
- Learn how to be and stay in alignment with your higher self/divine essence
- Release limited ego protectors that block access to your divine destiny
- Clear ancestral binds, curses, or holds that keep you stuck and disconnected from your purpose
- Activate your creative life force
- Learn how to allow your divine destiny to guide your life path and choices
- Surrender ego will to divine will
Money & Abundance
- Heal, transform and cleanse your relationship with money
- Learn the laws of emerging abundance vs. manifestation and live in invite possibility
- Activate abundance and release unhealthy ego programs associated with safety and security that block true abundance freedom
- Stop playing out "not enough" and release debt consciousness
- Release money blocks such as having to "earn your keep", unconsciously proving your value and worth, over-giving time, money, and energy, and being "too much"
- Rewire new possibilities for abundance, forgiving money, God, and life.
- Clear limited ancestral money constructs, blocks, holds, and bindings within the DNA and subtle body codes
Intuition Clarity
- Learn how to attune to your inner divine compass and trust yourself
- Activate your personal spiritual gifts with tips, tricks, and tools specific to those gifts
- Learn energy enhancing tools and protections for empaths, psychic sympathy, and spiritual sight
- Heal the wounds that created mistrust in your psychic gifts & embrace your spiritual powers
- Release the wounds of psychic empathy and become an empowered empath
- Connect with your spiritual guides and meet your very own energy angel bouncer
Spiritual Connection
- Heal your relationship with life, God/Source, and the Divine Mother
- Leave the realm of spiritual bypass to spiritually thrive and fully embody yourself
- Heal the root of core wounds with the divine, throughout timelines and dimensions, with higher spiritual grace and Divine Love
- Balance within the divine masculine and divine receptive feminine
- Become a Bridge of Light and channel for higher frequencies
- Connect with the upper, lower, and middle realms for support, transformation, and higher guidance
- Activate and embody higher states of consciousness through meditation and energy activations
Ascending Souls
- Receive support and integration for body up levels, spiritual DNA light code activations, and more
- Truly ground spiritual emergence, psychic awareness awakenings, & empathic sensitivity
- Awaken and remember your Starseed self, fully embody your Starseed gifts, and activate your service and love on Earth
- Heal past life traumas and blocks to fully stand in your divine sovereignty
- Become the bridge of light you came here to be and embody the transformational leader that is your divine destiny
- Tools for true grounding with Mother Earth's real, highest essence
- Support for activating and awakening a new Earth through your personal divine blueprint
Your personal questions are the key to unlocking
Divine Prescriptions
What You Receive
Channeled intuitive guidance for clarity and healing
Answers to your personal questions, life topics, and struggles
Practices and tools to heal and support your body, finances, relationships, and to strengthen alignment with your higher self
Clearings for limiting, unconscious beliefs manifesting painful experiences, issues, and struggles blocking true freedom
A sacred container where all of you is unconditionally welcomed and loved
Channeled energy meditations and healing activations
Divine medicine to nourish your soul for greater peace, love, and connection
Restructuring of your subtle body anatomy, chakra system, and neural map to transform your life, so you can better manifest what you truly desire
Soul growth: learn higher vibrational tools you can implement for yourself and others as you grow on your spiritual path
Spiritual Counsel to transform your life, health, love, relationships, and body
Support for spiritual emergence, ascension, and Starseed awakening
Regular, ongoing spiritual guidance so you can't slip back into old ego behaviors, programs, and limiting habits
A tribe of like minded souls on the spiritual path of awakening
A deeper spiritual connection with your angelic team, spiritual guides, soul family, and Spirit
Over 20 years of knowledge, wisdom, intuitive guidance, and spiritual coaching with Cheryl
How It Works
Two Virtual Gatherings A Month
Online Zoom
with participant cameras off
1 1/2 to 2 1/2 Hours for Each Gathering
(meeting length determined by participant questions)
Monday's @ 5:30pm Pacific Time
✨ Cheryl is the only one on camera.
✨ Participants live Q & A are off camera and members will only hear participants audio
✨ Attendees to live events can converse with each other in the chat box
✨ Recordings made available in your library portal 24 hours after each gathering
Divine Prescriptions Format
✨ Creating A Sacred Container: Opening Prayer and Invocation
✨ Facilitated Energy Alignment: Grounding and Centering
✨ Connecting With Your Divine Team: Attuning to Your Spirit and Angel Guardian
✨ Attuning to the Group Energy: Channeled Spiritual Guidance for the Group
✨ Question and Answer: Divine Prescriptions for Participant Questions
All of you is welcome!
Your questions are the most important part of the sacred gathering.
Everyone benefits!
✨ Group Healing Activation: Subtle Body Energy Healing and Channeled Guidance
✨ Closing The Sacred Container: Gratitude and Appreciation
Subscription Membership
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