Cheryl's Offerings

All For Loving & Living From Your Sacred Self

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What Are Divine Prescriptions?

Divine Prescriptions are channeled spiritual medicines in the form of intuitive guidance, spiritual teachings, vibrational energies, and healing activations that heal and transform core patterns, structures, and areas of consciousness at the root of life problems. They nourish and heal your body, mind, and soul to activate a new dimension of possibility in all areas of life. 

Our Sacred Tribe Defined

We are a sacred, non-judgemental compassionate community of like minded souls on the spiritual path who choose to receive spiritual medicine in the form of intuitive divine guidance, spiritual  teachings, vibrational activations, and energetic alchemical healings from the Angelic Realms and Beyond, that transform core limiting patterns and structures at the root of life problems, so they can live their best life aligned within their highest self. 

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The Transformational Soul Coaching journey is a deep dive of personal healing and transformation. Staying in a continued container of higher mind support and committing to your personal change by meeting on a regular basis, is the only way you can truly break free from painful limitations and energy structures unconsciously running you, so you can emerge as the free, joyful, unique, butterfly you were always destined to be.

When we are tired, unsatisfied, or disheartened with any area of life, feeling not enough, not having enough, lacking in real love, joy, and freedom, then a healing restoration and transformation is calling to us. 

This journey is for people who are ready to truly dive in and transform their life from the inside out. Receive the transformational energies unique to you, tend to your soul's garden, learn personal tools for healing, and experience true self- intimacy.

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